National Leadership Forum

Values | Compassion | Connection

14th - 17th September 2023

A Four Day Program Growing Future Australian Leaders

National Leadership Forum is Australia’s leading event for developing young leaders.

The National Leadership Forum is different from other leadership programs in that it brings together young leaders from across Australia and the Pacific to explore and expand their leadership through the lens of values, compassion, and connection.

First established in 1997, the Forum has become one of Australia’s preeminent leadership development initiatives, each year gathering a community devoted to serving and encouraging young Australians.

Over 4 days, young leaders will spend time alongside Members of Parliament, leaders of business, and other young leaders from various stages of life to consider who they are as leaders, how they can expand their leadership repertoire, and how they may use their authentic leadership to serve others.


Delegates Attended

Delegates From

Addresses By
Prime Ministers

More Than
Volunteer Hours

Our Nominator Network Includes

What Previous Delegates Have Said

I wasn’t really aware of my values before but this forum reminds me that I need to uphold my values to better understand my passions and serve others.

Michelle H, Delegate 2022

(National Leadership Forum) has helped me become a more inclusive leader, and realise that people, while similar in many aspects, each have different experiences and upbringings that shape their world views...It’s important for leaders to be attune to all these different world views.

Vincent Z, Delegate 2022

Trying to understand my own story and belief systems within the conceptual and practical frameworks presented by the speakers and other delegates has allowed the importance of certain themes to rise to the surface.

Royce C, Delegate 2022

The most valuable part of the Forum was hearing the personal story’s of various current leaders within the community...and the personal nature of the forum, seeing leaders be raw and open.

Josephine P, Delegate 20222

The genuine friendships we built as a small group, hearing everyone’s stories and creating a safe space for everyone were some of the most valuable parts of National Leadership Forum.

Emily D, Delegate 2022

I think getting to hear from various people at National Leadership Forum about what leadership means to them has really opened up new ideas and thoughts for me.

Jess C, Delegate 2022

National Leadership Forum 2024


22nd - 25th August 2024


For People Aged 18-261


Canberra, ACT2


(inc GST)3

Finer Details: 1 Delegates must have left school to attend.  2 The Hyatt Hotel and Australian Parliament House. 3 Cost includes twin share accommodation, food, and conference expenses but does not include travel to or from the event. To assist delegates in meeting the cost, a fundraising pack is available on request. Limited bursaries are available.

Hosted by
Federal Parliamentarians

The National Leadership Forum is hosted by a multi-party group of Federal Parliamentarians. Forum is co-chaired by Mr Julian Leeser MP and Mr Luke Gosling OAM MP and supported by a range of parliamentarians who share a commitment to inspire and equip the next generation of Australian leaders.
Julian Leeser

Mr Julian Leeser MP

Federal Member for Berowra | NSW

Luke Gosling

Mr Luke Gosling OAM, MP

Federal Member for Soloman | NT

Senator Perin Davey

Senator For NSW

Mr Terry Young MP

Member for Longman | QLD

The Hon. Dr Anne Aly MP

Member for Cowan | WA

Mr Tony Zappia MP

Member for Makin | SA

The Hon. Alex Hawke MP

Member for Mitchell | NSW

Dr Anne Webster MP

Member for Mallee | VIC

Mr Dan Repacholi MP

Member for Hunter | NSW

The Hon. Jason Clare MP

Member for Blaxland | NSW

Senator Deborah O'Neill

Senator for NSW

The Hon. Andrew Hastie MP

Member for Canning | WA

Mr Graham Perrett MP

Member for Moreton | QLD

The Hon. Andrew Gee MP

Member for Calare | NSW

Senator the Hon. Don Farrell

Senator for SA

Senator The Hon. David Fawcett

Senator for SA

The Hon. Paul Fletcher MP

Member for Bradfield | NSW

The Hon. Dr Andrew Leigh MP

Member for Fenner | ACT

Ms Maria Vamvakinou MP

Member for Calwell | VIC

The Hon. Shayne Neumann MP

Member for Blair | QLD

Mr Sam Lim MP

Member for Tangney | WA

The Hon. Scott Buchholz MP

Member for Wright | QLD

The Hon. Andrew Wallace MP

Member for Fisher | QLD

The Hon. Luke Howarth MP

Member for Petrie | QLD

Dr Gordon Reid MP

Member for Robertson | NSW

Senator The Hon. Jonathon Duniam

Senator for TAS

Ms Kylea Tink MP

Member for North Sydney | NSW

The Hon. Matt Thistlethwaite MP

Member for Kingsford Smith | NSW

The Hon. Michael Sukkar MP

Member for Deakin | VIC

The Hon. Milton Dick MP

Member for Oxley | QLD

The Hon. Michael McCormack MP

Member for Riverina | NSW

Ms Dai Le MP

Member for Fowler | NSW

The Hon. Bob Katter MP

Member for Kennedy | QLD

Mr Bert van Manen MP

Member for Forde | QLD

Senator Hollie Hughes

Senator for NSW

Mr David Smith MP

Member for Bean | ACT

Dr Andrew Charlton MP

Member for Parramatta | NSW

Mr Ian Goodenough MP

Member for Moore | WA

Mr Stephen Bates MP

Member for Brisbane | QLD

The Hon. Peter Dutton MP

Member for Dickson | QLD

Mrs Melissa McIntosh MP

Member for Lindsay | NSW

Mr Tony Pasin MP

Member for Barker | SA

Mr James Stevens MP

Member for Sturt | SA

Ms Zoe Daniel MP

Member for Goldstein | VIC

The Hon. David Gillespie MP

Member for Lyne | NSW

Ms Allegra Spender MP

Member for Wentworth | NSW

Ms Meryl Swanson MP

Member for Paterson | NSW

Mr Keith Wolahan MP

Member for Menzies | VIC

Ms Zoe McKenzie MP

Member for Flinders | VIC

Ms Kate Thwaites MP

Member for Jagajaga | VIC

Ms Anne Stanley MP

Member for Werriwa | NSW

The Hon. Emma McBride MP

Member for Dobell | NSW

Senator Perin Davey

Senator For NSW

Mr Terry Young MP

Member for Longman | QLD

The Hon. Dr Anne Aly MP

Member for Cowan | WA

Mr Tony Zappia MP

Member for Makin | SA

The Hon. Alex Hawke MP

Member for Mitchell | NSW

Dr Anne Webster MP

Member for Mallee | VIC

Mr Dan Repacholi MP

Member for Hunter | NSW

The Hon. Jason Clare MP

Member for Blaxland | NSW

Senator Deborah O'Neill

Senator for NSW

The Hon. Andrew Hastie MP

Member for Canning | WA

Mr Graham Perrett MP

Member for Moreton | QLD

The Hon. Andrew Gee MP

Member for Calare | NSW

Senator the Hon. Don Farrell

Senator for SA

Senator The Hon. David Fawcett

Senator for SA

The Hon. Paul Fletcher MP

Member for Bradfield | NSW

The Hon. Dr Andrew Leigh MP

Member for Fenner | ACT

Ms Maria Vamvakinou MP

Member for Calwell | VIC

The Hon. Shayne Neumann MP

Member for Blair | QLD

Mr Sam Lim MP

Member for Tangney | WA

The Hon. Scott Buchholz MP

Member for Wright | QLD

The Hon. Andrew Wallace MP

Member for Fisher | QLD

The Hon. Luke Howarth MP

Member for Petrie | QLD

Dr Gordon Reid MP

Member for Robertson | NSW

Senator The Hon. Jonathon Duniam

Senator for TAS

Ms Kylea Tink MP

Member for North Sydney | NSW

The Hon. Matt Thistlethwaite MP

Member for Kingsford Smith | NSW

The Hon. Michael Sukkar MP

Member for Deakin | VIC

The Hon. Milton Dick MP

Member for Oxley | QLD

The Hon. Michael McCormack MP

Member for Riverina | NSW

Ms Dai Le MP

Member for Fowler | NSW

The Hon. Bob Katter MP

Member for Kennedy | QLD

Mr Bert van Manen MP

Member for Forde | QLD

Senator Hollie Hughes

Senator for NSW

Mr David Smith MP

Member for Bean | ACT

Dr Andrew Charlton MP

Member for Parramatta | NSW

Mr Ian Goodenough MP

Member for Moore | WA

Mr Stephen Bates MP

Member for Brisbane | QLD

The Hon. Peter Dutton MP

Member for Dickson | QLD

Mrs Melissa McIntosh MP

Member for Lindsay | NSW

Mr Tony Pasin MP

Member for Barker | SA

Mr James Stevens MP

Member for Sturt | SA

Ms Zoe Daniel MP

Member for Goldstein | VIC

The Hon. David Gillespie MP

Member for Lyne | NSW

Ms Allegra Spender MP

Member for Wentworth | NSW

Ms Meryl Swanson MP

Member for Paterson | NSW

Mr Keith Wolahan MP

Member for Menzies | VIC

Ms Zoe McKenzie MP

Member for Flinders | VIC

Ms Kate Thwaites MP

Member for Jagajaga | VIC

Ms Anne Stanley MP

Member for Werriwa | NSW

The Hon. Emma McBride MP

Member for Dobell | NSW

Nominate a Young Leader to Attend

Nominations for the 2023 National Leadership Forum are now closed. If you are an individual, organisation or tertiary education provider who identifies a young person aged 18-26 with a desire to lead and develop their leadership foundations, we encourage you to consider nominating them for the Forum in 2024.

Nominate Here

A Rich History of Young Leaders

Over 20 Years of Exploring Leadership

Since its inception in 1997, the Forum has brought together over 2,700 young emerging leaders from across Australia and the Pacific nations to explore the foundations of their leadership.

With a diversity of intellectual, cultural and religious backgrounds represented, the Forum is an opportunity for young leaders to discuss ideas, explore concepts of leadership, and build networks of young leaders from across Australia and the Pacific.

Over the last 21 years, the Forum has been a nexus of emerging leadership with a focus on values, compassion, and connection.

Learn About The Forum History
NLF Group PhotoNLF Group Photo
National Leadership Forum Info PackDownload a Forum Information Pack

Past Speakers Have Included

Dr Arne Rubinstein

The Hon Dr Kevin Rudd AC

Adam Gilchrist AM

Mrs Leila Abdallah

The Hon Malcolm Turnbull AC

    Mrs Gail Kelly    

The Hon John Howard AC

Mr Andrew Thorburn 

The Hon Peter Costello AC 

Dr Arne Rubinstein

The Hon Dr Kevin Rudd AC

Adam Gilchrist AM

Mrs Leila Abdallah

The Hon Malcolm Turnbull AC

    Mrs Gail Kelly    

The Hon John Howard AC

Mr Andrew Thorburn 

The Hon Peter Costello AC 

Geraldine Doogue AO

Cate Blanchett AC

The  Hon Julia Gillard AC

Michael Baird AO

The Hon Richard Marles MP

The Hon Scott Morrison MP

Rabbi Zalman Kastel AM

The Hon Tony Abbott AC

Geraldine Doogue AO

Cate Blanchett AC

The  Hon Julia Gillard AC

Michael Baird AO

The Hon Richard Marles MP

The Hon Scott Morrison MP

Rabbi Zalman Kastel AM

The Hon Tony Abbott AC

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